Fixtures remapping revisited - qlc+ 4.5.1

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Michael Clements

Thanks for the clone fixtures button - could we have multiple selection of fixtures to be remapped and clone them all in one go?

Obviously, when qlc+ tries to automatically match up channels between 2 fixtures that are not identical, the process is bound to be a bit hit or miss.

However, with two fixtures that share the same fixture definitions and are using the same mode (if applicable), if there is either a remapping between the 2 fixtures or a cloning of the original fixture into the remapped area, then the channels should be mapped one to one.

Due to the remapping issues described here: ... 2919/#cc74

this doesn't as yet happen, which means you still have to do a lot of work remapping channels individually.
Massimo Callegari

I'll check that. Thanks for reminding me
Massimo Callegari

Well, I just tried a Ledj Alu Par 64 as you mentioned in your previous post, but the remapping looks good to me.
Probably I didn't get it right ?

Attached the result (sorry for the italian)
remapping.png (11.11 KiB) Viewed 724 times
Michael Clements

I've found that the fixture definition installed on this computer was faulty - the white channel was, in fact, generic. So Ledj Alu Quad PAR 64, 7 channel mode, works perfectly because all 7 channels are of different types.

The little square with the colour in the channels tab of the fixture editor does not change if "generic" is selected when editing the channel, but does change correctly if a different colour is selected.

But try the Alu Quad PAR 8 channel mode which has 2 red, 2 green and 2 blue channels - both red / green / blue channels of the original fixture get mapped onto the first red /green / blue channel of the second.

Similarly with the Ledj Colour Storm Quad, 19 channel mode - the four channels of each colour get remapped onto a single channel. This is, of course, consistent with 12 generic channels getting remapped onto 1 with dimmers.
Massimo Callegari

Makes sense.
I just fixed the cases you mentioned. I also considered generic dimmers remapping with the same or different number of channels.
So, the 4 cases are:
- generic dimmers with same number of channels
- generic dimmers with different number of channels
- fixtures of the same type
- fixtures of different types

See attached screenshots
remap1.png (3.99 KiB) Viewed 724 times
remap2.png (37.93 KiB) Viewed 724 times
Michael Clements

Thanks very much - looks fine from the screen shots. I'll give it the third degree when the next version is available for download!
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