Using Touch OSC in simple desk and receive value feedback on touch osc

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I have touch osc on my ipad and I know some applications will show track numbers in mixing consoles, and volume levels and such (IE logic pro) but is there any way that this can happen using the simple desk or virtual console?

I know that there are OSC networking capabilities in QLC +, however I'm not sure the difference between that and the usage of OSC Bridge to create the connection. I assume that the osc bridge is more for the transmittal of the midi commands that are manually mapped to your virtual console faders, knobs etc. I really would like to see the values on my osc console on my ipad. Can this be accomplished?

You need to enter the ipads IP address on the output port
Output port in OSC should be or whatever your IP address and port number.
It gives feedback. Im not sure how to get values though.

I think the touch osc bridge handles that, which I can see the faders move with the feedback using the midi aspect. I'm not sure what the OSC commands are either to dedicate a full on touch osc template.

Also I may be thinking feedback in a different sense than what is described for "feedback"
I'm thinking that the feedback would return values to the device. Could someone give me a clarification on this?
Rowan Deppeler

You can use TouchOsc to feed directly into QLC+ using the OSC commands.
You do not really need to use the midi mode unless you need it for something else (and use the bridge as well)
To use OSC directly the layout needs to send the OSC commands (i.e. /dmxch1, /fader1, /flash1 etc) Patch the OSC input to the 'IP Address:port' of the app on the iPad. You can also set this as a feedback destination as well if you want to.

The other thing that is needed is to map the commands being sent out by the TouchOSC layout to an input profile.

Assuming you have not done this....
In the Input/Output Select the Profile Tab
Add a new profile (Big plus icon)
Name it to your liking, Manufacturer, model (TouchOsc, My Controller etc) and select OSC as the mode (midi defaults)
Go to the channels tab on the new profile and select the Wizard button. This will put the profile editor into a 'map what it sees' mode.
Move all your TouchOSC controls an you should see new 'channels' (maps) being added for each control that you use. (ignore the channel #'s being assigned as they are used to map the OSC function name only and will not relate to any 'real' channels)
When finished, save by selecting OK.
This will be the input profile that is used.

You will now need to map each of your virtual channels, buttons etc to the OSC channels in the new profile.
i.e. slider ch1 > right click > Widget Properties > (External Input)
Select the 'Choose' button and your TouchOSC profile should be available.
Expand and select the desired control to associate with the fader /button etc

Save everything and you should be good to go. Moving a control on the TouchOSC layout should move the corresponding control on the QLC+ virtual console.


Thank you for the information. I have been trying to find information on what commands are supported with QLC+ and have not found anything. Is there a reference point for this sort of thing?

I have always used the touch osc bridge for that. The layout I created was only using midi channels to help with this. Due to the fact I haven't found what commands are supported by QLC +. so I felt I was at a loss. I have mapped with the external input areas thankfully and have gotten that to work, with some quirks (ie delay in the input to software execution) but overall has been great!
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how can I completely stop the control of a signal sent by osc from ableton live in qlc+ ?
The values ​​arrive correctly to qlc+, but I have no way to reset it from qlc neither in ableton.
a lot of channels are hanging!
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I don't know anything about OSC... but did you try to put -1 as a value?
Maybe this resets the bus?
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yes....and nothing
i need RESET TOTALLY a signal send from ableton live to a audiotrigger in virtual console.
i can't ....i don't know how
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