different increments on faders and knobs

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I use a pointing device to adjust faders, knobs and speed dials.
If I scroll on faders the increment is three times smaler than on knobs.
This is more exact but also very circumstantially.
It would be nice, if it's equal for all and adjustable in qlc+ settings/properties.
Example: To move a slider from 0 to 255 it costs 11 full turns with a scroll wheel.
That's a lot.

in Xubuntu 12.04 it's not easy, but I found a solution to adjust the scrollspeed with the old unsupported program imwheel.
The only problem now is the difference between knobs and faders of factor 3.
Massimo Callegari

The reason is simple. Sliders have step set to 1 while knobs are set to 3.
Actually, if I realized this before, I would have set knobs step to 1 as well.

This gives you the maximum precision, which I personally prefer. For example, using lumiDMX, I found very annoying not to be able to set a mnemonic value (like 100) because they don't set sliders step to 1.

To make everybody happy, it would be necessary to export that parameter in the widget configuration page. Unfortunately this is not in my top priority list, so I guess if you need a custom value you need to modify the source code.
I can point exactly where to change, in case you want to do that.

First I have to say "thank you" for clock implementation.

It's absolutly OK, if you can do it in one of the next releases - no pressure.

Compiling qlc+ on Linux terminal was working well for me, but I have some problems with QT-Creator.
Does it make sense to open a fourth forum for developing qlc? I don´t wan´t to waste your time with my beginner questions.
Massimo Callegari

Hi laserandi, what do you mean by "forum for developing qlc(+)" ?
It seems pretty much everything can be handled in this forum. Otherwise there's the GitHub ticket system, but I would like it to be for developers only.

If you need help to build QLC+ there's some wiki here: https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/wiki
I'd say building from a terminal is OK. You don't need Qt Creator

I mean just another point here in the left colum to seperate programming topics from "Feedbacks, ideas and patches".
If you implemented the clock you didn´t use QT-Creator?

By the way, I added some pictures of my self made scroll wheel :-)
scroll_wheel1s.JPG (3.98 KiB) Viewed 573 times
scroll_wheel2s.JPG (4 KiB) Viewed 573 times

Thanks for "development thread". Thats what I mean. :-))
Davey Daytona

Hello Laserandi

That custom mouse is very cool. You should patent that. I use an old usb gaming controller for scrolling and XY pads, but it tends to be overly sensitive.
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