Hello, I am the light technican of a amateur theater group.
This year we preformed Macbeth (you can see pictures here http://www.facebook.com/JusteVMinden/photos_stream)
QLC Plus controls 8x Powerbar 5 , 12x AT3 (LED RGB)
In the next show, it will control 4x YPOC 757 Pro , 8x Powerbar 5 , 12x AT3 (LED RGB) an some normal dimmer channels
I had the option to use the GrandMA, but I much prefer use QLC PLus
Great Software :-)
Hello Sven, thank you very much for your post !
It relieves me to know that QLC+ is getting adopted as preferred solution compared to huge softwares like GrandMA.
Means my efforts are somehow reaching their goal
I've seen the pictures you shared. Very nice !
Would you like to share your experience as a "user case" in the official QLC+ website ? http://www.qlcplus.org/use_case.html
If you provide the info in that way, I'd be happy to add it to the page.
Thanks again
It relieves me to know that QLC+ is getting adopted as preferred solution compared to huge softwares like GrandMA.
Means my efforts are somehow reaching their goal
I've seen the pictures you shared. Very nice !
Would you like to share your experience as a "user case" in the official QLC+ website ? http://www.qlcplus.org/use_case.html
If you provide the info in that way, I'd be happy to add it to the page.
Thanks again
I have to thank for this great software.
The theater technique is just a hobby of mine.
In the middle of this year i have started to developing a "Qdesk".
The CuQdesk is a Cubieboard based Light Controller that runs QLC+
You can see the design here:
Planned Features:
12x Motorized Faders
8x Rotary Encoder with LED Feedback
Many Switches to control anything you want
11" Touchscreen
Currently i am testing the hardware and writing the firmware that controls the motorised faders.
The theater technique is just a hobby of mine.
In the middle of this year i have started to developing a "Qdesk".
The CuQdesk is a Cubieboard based Light Controller that runs QLC+
You can see the design here:
Planned Features:
12x Motorized Faders
8x Rotary Encoder with LED Feedback
Many Switches to control anything you want
11" Touchscreen
Currently i am testing the hardware and writing the firmware that controls the motorised faders.
Hey Sven, Chrome says your link contains malware :S
What do you think about my previous proposal of sharing your use case ?
What do you think about my previous proposal of sharing your use case ?
Yes, i will write a user case
In the link is nothing malware, it is just a picture...
In the link is nothing malware, it is just a picture...
I've been able to see it with Firefox but I think the problem is not the picture itself but the domain.
I guess www.sme-digital.de went on some blacklist for reasons unknown to me...
Anyway...AWESOME job ! If you ever get to build that console...build 2 of them (one for me) !
I'm just kidding but that would be great
Of course if you're willing to sell it, you should talk to Heikki and me first
I guess www.sme-digital.de went on some blacklist for reasons unknown to me...
Anyway...AWESOME job ! If you ever get to build that console...build 2 of them (one for me) !
I'm just kidding but that would be great
Of course if you're willing to sell it, you should talk to Heikki and me first
Wow that looks amazing, details please?! What is the basis for the interface, midi, osc?
Hello Chris, the Basic of the interface is SPI
This means multiple Boards are connected to one master Board.
I am currently planing this boards:
SPI input to use the Cubieboard Hardware SPI
USB interface to the PC eg. Cubieboard, Raspberry Pi, Normal Pc ...
Multiple SPI outputs to the "Slave" boards
2x DMX I/O , you can select input or output
Fader Board:
controls 4 motorised slider
8 digital inputs (keys)
8 digital outputs (for leds)
4x pwm output to control RGB leds (can be used to illuminate the slider in the selected color for the click and go function)
Key Board:
32x Digital inputs
32x Digital outputs (for leds)
8x Analog Inputs (for normal potentiometers)
Encoder Board:
4x Encoder input
4x Output for LED Ring (feedback)
To connect it to QLC i will write a python script that converts the signals to OSC ...
This means multiple Boards are connected to one master Board.
I am currently planing this boards:
SPI input to use the Cubieboard Hardware SPI
USB interface to the PC eg. Cubieboard, Raspberry Pi, Normal Pc ...
Multiple SPI outputs to the "Slave" boards
2x DMX I/O , you can select input or output
Fader Board:
controls 4 motorised slider
8 digital inputs (keys)
8 digital outputs (for leds)
4x pwm output to control RGB leds (can be used to illuminate the slider in the selected color for the click and go function)
Key Board:
32x Digital inputs
32x Digital outputs (for leds)
8x Analog Inputs (for normal potentiometers)
Encoder Board:
4x Encoder input
4x Output for LED Ring (feedback)
To connect it to QLC i will write a python script that converts the signals to OSC ...
I'm not sure I far down you are with this, but I would consider adding few joystick XY controls that can control the XY pad widgets to control moving head positioning.