Light console input profiles

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Jano Svitok

Hi all,

QLC+ comes with profile for Showtec Showmaster 24. I recently noticed that the same profile (or with minimal changes) can be used also for:

- GLP LightOperator 24
- GLP LightOperator 48 (this would need to add the other channels)
- Stairville Light Command 24 (LC-24)
- Stairville Light Command 48 (LC-48)
- Stairville S
- Elation Scene Setter 24
- Showtec SC-2412

since they are basically clones of the same thing (I'm not going to research which one was the first).

If there is some interest, I may create them for you (but first try the one that is ready!)
Massimo Callegari

+1 for Jano :)
Connor Faulder

I've used a few of them, it was the Showtec Showmaster that came first :)
Also, I've copied the Showmaster 24 profile to change the buttons to sliders (if you use it via DMX - not MIDI), would it be worth yourself doing the same or would that just confuse things?
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