Magic 3d easy view implemetation

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It would be nice to be able to use it with magic 3d easy view from

this tool has mevp protocol so you can search the mevp.dll so qlc + can communicate
Massimo Callegari

It runs only on Windows and it's close source. No way.

Instead, help me to find an openGL developer who can give me a hand here:
Massimo Callegari

Won't work. I need to render on deferred shading thus supporting more than 8 lights (the standard OpenGL limitation)
Also, as stated in the website you linked: "libQGLViewer does not display 3D scenes in various formats, but it can be the base for the coding of such a viewer."
Means I have to write the code to import 3D scenes.

This is the solution, but it's getting delayed since one year:

It was supposed to land on Qt 5.2.0, but they didn't make it.
Did you really think that I haven't googled for a solution in the past 8 months ?
Daniel Nyström

Have you ever considered not insulting people trying to be helpful but isn't mind readers?
Massimo Callegari

Where's the insult ?
The only one I can see in this thread is: "here, it took 15 seconds to me to find this library with google, you idiot"
Daniel Nyström

So, there you go again... You just reminded me why this will always be a "one man show", as you once said.
Massimo Callegari

Yeah, and you reminded me who came into this project with the arrogance of knowing everything.
Yet your name is still in the contributors list, cause I'm polite. I guess it's time to remove it, since the only help you gave me is to increase the bile in my stomach.

There are excellent poeple around this project that really helped and understand the huge work behind it. Since you are the "GIT master" you can see it for yourself.

A little GitHub tip: ... ntributors

Hi again i would like to know if there is someone who stated to program in openGl I would like to start to create one and i would like to know if there is something specifig in the sdk that i could use thank you

Hello! Any news on this thread? I love Q Light Plus and Magic 3D too...!
Massimo Callegari

If you love magic 3d, you surely know you can connect it to QLC+ via ArtNet. I just tried and got it working in 5 minutes.


3D Easy View works only on Windows and to have full functionalities you need a Sunlite adapter which is not supported by QLC+, cause of close source/proprietary drivers.

Really? Sorry, I didn't know! But could I programming viewing everything in 3D and then link my Enttec USB->DMX with QLC+ only? I mean without 3D il live performances?

THX! I will try now!

PS: I had to reply instead open a new comment... I'm sorry!
Massimo Callegari

I would say so. A universe is a universe, either if you send it over ArtNet or through a DMX USB adapter.
So, design a project with ArtNet->Easy 3D and then switch the universe to DMX USB when you're done.

Obviously remember to set the real fixture addresses to the same you mapped in QLC+/Easy 3D
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