Robe ColorSpot 575 XT, Proel Dreamlight 575 Eclipse Spot, Arena luci LED PAR64 (AR3302) definitions

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Lorenzo Moreschini

I have made these fixture definitions (based on manuals):

- Robe ColorSpot 575 XT
- Proel Dreamlight 575 Eclipse Spot
- Arena luci LED PAR64 (AR3302)

but I can't find out how to attach the files... now I see it.
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Lorenzo Moreschini

I'm not sure which type should be channel 6 of "Arena luci LED PAR64" (if intensity or colour), please fix it if necessary.
Massimo Callegari

Hi, I've got some questions:

1- can you please assign gobo images to the gobo channels ?
2- what is the difference between mode 1 and mode 2 of the robe fixture ? They look identical to me
3- Are the Proel and the Robe fixture actually the same product ? (same channels)
4- there is a rainbow generic picture in the "Others" gobos folder that can be used for rotating colors presets

I haven't checked the PAR yet
Lorenzo Moreschini

Hi, sorry for delay but I forgot to check for answers (is there a way to be notified?). Anyway:

1) I don't own the moving heads so I don't know which gobos they have, but I'm having a show with them on 4 May. I'll check them out.

2) Mode 1 and 2 has a different order in pan and tilt channels.

3) They are actually different products, see the manuals I attach.

4) Done, but I'll wait to check everything when I'll have the moving heads before sending the new files.
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Massimo Callegari

I think you need to click on the "follow this" icon beside the post title to receive the notifications.

Anyway take your time. I prefer to wait and include complete fixtures.
Lorenzo Moreschini

Hi, I'm completing the fixtures definitions, but some gobos are missing from the default ones. I found them in an image in internet, can I cut them from that image and send them to you? Do I have to put them inside gobos folder before linking them in the profile file? How do path to img works?

I'm pretty sure (after creating some Robe definitions) that all fixture gobos are on robe website, not necessary well sorted but we can find them.

Just check the picture format in QLC+ tree and use gimp to edit them.
You have to check in the folder if gobos are not already there, add the missing ones and link them in the profile creation.
The path checks in QLC+ directory directly (/usr/share/qlcplus in linux, etc...)
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