Definition aliases

Here you can share your fixture definitions with the community
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Hi, I have one fixture here (Stairville PAR64 CX-3 RGBW) where the DMX channels and functions are identical to the Stairville-LED-PAR56-MKII-RGBW that is already included in qlcplus. Is there any way to create an alias or shall I (do you want) to just copy the file and change the names?
Best regards, Jannis
Massimo Callegari

Hi, sorry for the delay.
I really have no idea how to "solve" this. Aliases are not comtemplated in QLC+ and copying the fixture to another name doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
I would say that naming this fixture as "Stairville RGBW PAR" would make sense.
Otherwise the user should dig into the Stairville category and find a fixture he likes.
Jano Svitok

What about adding a comment field, that would be displayed during fixture selection?

The comment may include actual model names, URL to manufacturer page, URL to user guide, any other notes from fixture author to the user, etc.

I'm too busy this week to add it myself... later I may do it.
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