Lanta Fireball Par64s Colour Changer

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Brian Ely

I've just got four Lanta Fireball Par64s Colour Changers which can run in either 1 channel, 3 channel, 4 channel or 6 channel mode.

Whilst I can create a fixture for 1,3 and 4 channel modes I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a 6 channel 'mode' as CH2 has a number of different meanings depending on the value of CH6

CH1 = Master Dimmer [0-255]
CH2 = Red Dimming [0-255] however,
If CH6 = 0-24, CH2 = A whole bunch of colour macros from 0-255 in different sections
If CH6 = 25-249, CH2 = Speed Adjustment on CH2 [0-255]
If CH6 = 250-255, CH2 = Sound Active sensitivity
CH3 = Green Dimming [0-255]
CH4 = Blue Dimming [0-255]
CH5 = No Function [0-9] and Strobe [10-255]
CH6 = 0-24 Colour macro mode on CH2
25-49 Auto Prog 2
50-74 Auto Prog 3
75-99 Auto Prog 4

and so on in jumps of 25 up to 255

How do I do this - I can't have overlapping values on CH2 so how do I define CH2 as Red and CH2 as a set of colours macros.

Cheers in advance

Tom Lincoln

Just have 2 ch2's configured (ch2, ch2-6ch_mode) and only add the 6ch mode ch2 in the 6ch mode definition.

Not sure if that makes any sense
Brian Ely

I kinda get that but maybe need four CH2 channels;
One = red 0-255
Two = colour macros 0-255 in various steps
Three = speed adjustment 0-255
Four = Sound Activation Sensitivity 0-255

But how do I mix n match??
Massimo Callegari

You need to create the following channels;

#1 Preset colors
#2 Red
#3 Green
#4 Blue
#5 Master dimmer
#6 Strobe
#7 Preset colors 2
#8 Effects

And then
1-channel mode: #1
3-channels mode: #2 #3 #4
4-channels mode: #5 #2 #3 #4
6-channels mode: #5 #7 #3 #4 #6 #8

Of course this cover 6-channels mode for Ch6 = 0-24
If you want you can even create several 6-channels modes. Just add more base channels

Dynamic channels meaning during live shows are not supported by QLC+. Sorry.
Brian Ely

If anyone has the time and could point me in the right direction, the manual can be found here: ... ndbook.pdf
Brian Ely

Thanks Massimo

You posted just as I added that last comment - I'll give it a go tomorrow and share the fixture if it works out.

Do you know of a similar fixture I can use as a cribb just to compare the defined fixture with the lights users guide?
Massimo Callegari

Well I remember I spent a damn lot of time on the Clay Paky Alpha Beam 300.
It has a freaking bunch of flags that can be set internally and the channels change their meanings
Brian Ely

OK - I'll take a look at that - Gonna work on it tonight once I'm back from my paid work !! 'Developed' feature Profiles for the KAM Party Bars and some LEDJ Slim line Parcans in QLC (original) so an gonna try those out in QLC+ tonight.
Massimo Callegari

Hey, any luck with this ?
Brian Ely

Hi Massimo,

I have it finished and it seems OK (from my limited knowledge/trials). How do I go about sharing it? I also have written fixture definitions/profiles for a "KAM 4 Head Party Bar" and a QTX Slimline LED Par can" if you'd like those.
Massimo Callegari

Great news! Just add an attachment here
Brian Ely

Here's the feature def files for the Lanta Fireball Par64s Colour Changers.
(7.07 KiB) Downloaded 358 times
Brian Ely

Off subject but here are the other two def files;
(1.65 KiB) Downloaded 445 times
(3.9 KiB) Downloaded 263 times
Massimo Callegari

Hi, I've integrated your fixtures.
Lanta was missing Click&Go preset colours. I've added them. Also I found "Green Mix" into the Red channel.
QTX merged into QTX-SL-series, in the "SL-[153.778]" mode
KAM LED all ok.

Brian Ely

That all sounds good - Any chance I can have a copy of the Lanta one back now you've improved it.
Brian Ely

Thanks - I'd forgotten all about Click&Go.

Do I need to re specify my fixtures in the Workspace ?
Massimo Callegari

I don't think so.
The fixture name hasn't change so you should simply overwrite your version
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