Griven Kolorado 2500, Geni OBY 5 spot & OBY 600 wash

Here you can share your fixture definitions with the community
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Goran Kovacevic

I made these three fixture definition files, hopefully someone will find them useful :)
Goran Kovacevic

(1.44 KiB) Downloaded 239 times
(3.91 KiB) Downloaded 374 times
(6.72 KiB) Downloaded 284 times
Massimo Callegari

Very well done, thank you.
Just a couple of things:
- for CMY channels, don't use "colour", use Intensity->Cyan, Intensity->Magenta, Intensity->Yellow. In this way you can fully use Click & Go and have much more fun :)

- would it be possible to fill the OBY 5 gobos with some of those provided with QLC+ ?

- Kolorado 2500 was missing physical info (I've added them)
Goran Kovacevic

Oh, sorry, I forgot to attach gobos.. Here they are :)
Thanks for the tip for CMY:)
(3.92 KiB) Downloaded 312 times
Goran Kovacevic

PS: I haven't looked into QLC+ gobo library, since I was in a hurry when I created these definition files, so I "borrowed" gobo images from Freestyler... I'm not sure if that could be a problem?
Massimo Callegari

Yes, it is a problem.
As I said earlier in this forum, Freestyler's fixtures are submitted by users, so the copyright of gobos are not clear.
I'd prefer if you can use QLC+ gobos, which are allowed from product manufacturers and released under GPLv2

Goran Kovacevic

ok, I'll settle this by print screen/cutting them from oby 5 manual, because I couldn't find more than 4 gobos in existing gobo library. I'll post them by tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience..
Massimo Callegari

That doesn't work either, unless you have an explicit permission from Geni that I can see.
I don't want to run into legal troubles for some 64x64 PNG pictures !

I hope you understand that.
Goran Kovacevic

Oh, I see. OK, no problem :)
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