Hi there!
Here's a fixture I made for Monacors /IMG-Stage-Lines PARL4-SET. It's an older LED-BAR I own and the fixture has proven to work in all modes, at least in QLC, but it should perfectly work in QLC+, too.
By the way: In the devices list there are devices filed under "Monacor" and "IMG Stage-Line". In fact, it's a bit tricky with that company (companies) as "IMG Stage-Line" is a subdivision of "Monacor". So, it's not really "wrong" to file them under "Monacor". On the other hand, people that don't know about the link between the two names won't look at "Monacor" for their devices as all lightning products for "professional" purpose from that company are ALWAYS labeled "IMG Stage-Line".
To go around this mess, there are several possibilities:
+ Use both the names "Monacor" AND "IMG Stage-Line" and keep the devices in sync.
+ Transfere all devices labeled as "Monacor" to "IMG Stage-Line" and erase "Monacor".
+ Create a name like "IMG Stage-Line / Monacor" and file all devices under that label.
I'd strongly recommend not to use the name "Monacor" exclusively!
IMG Stage-Line PARL4-Set
Heads were missing. I've added them.
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Next time, please, write your real name or a nickname instead of a URL in the creator field.