I found out that some strings of color lights I'm using actually have the colors in the order RBG instead of the more common RGB. What a pain this was to discover. Is the best way to handle this to make a copy of the Generic-Generic-RGB.qxf, add an RBG mode, and put that copy in my personal fixture list? Would it be worth adding an RBG mode to the included fixture definition in the following release?
Also, when I discover a problem like this, if I've already made a bunch of cues, is there any way to to change the mode of an existing fixture and have it swap the channels in my cues to preserve what I cued as blue and green, even though their channels swapped?
Adding RBG mode to Generic RGB
Hi Ben:
As for the last question you can [remap the fixtures](http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/fixturesremap.html) and it will preserve your cues
As for the last question you can [remap the fixtures](http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/fixturesremap.html) and it will preserve your cues