Generic Relay

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This is a fixture profile for a generic relay. I personally will be using them for controlling house lights (which are only capable of being on or off), but you could use them for a DMX relay pack or anything similar.

I included 3 profiles:
1. 0-127 Off, 128-255 On
2. 0 Off, 1-255 On
3. 0 Off, 1-254 No Function, 255 On
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Massimo Callegari

Hi, sorry but this is too generic to be found useful in most cases.
Maybe you had a specific product in mind or is it just your personal way to map a relay ?

No specific product in mind. I made it for myself as I couldn't find one premade, thought someone might find it useful.

Seems fair enough to me. After dealing with people that have no clue whatsoever with computers this could be useful.

'I want to turn a light on and off'.
'OK, easy'.
'What sort of fitting is it?'
'Use the generic dimmer'.
'It's not a dimmer though'.
'Use it anyway'.
'But it's not a di.......'.
'Use the generic relay fixture (maybe even call it generic light switch!)'.
'Uhh, OK'.
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