Cubietruck compile fail

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Chris Laurie

I am trying to build from source on Lunbuntu running on a Cubietruck (armhf architecture) using the excellent instruction on the QLC+ wiki.

The compile has now failed. It is not clear to me on what it failed (the terminal is refusing all my attempts to copy the output). But it looks like it fails on this:

g++ -shared -o spiplugin.o spiconfiguration.o spioutthread.o moc_spiplugin.o moc_spiconfigration.o moc_qlcplugin.o -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnuabif -lQtGui - lQtCore -lpthread

and then is a whole bunch of stuff starting with { tst -z

The error just says not found but does not seem to say what it does not find.

Any suggestions?
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