RGB Scripts

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I have been playing with the RGB scripts and thought you might like to use them.

One is a slight mod to the Gradient script as I was finding I was getting black lines if the panel was to large. I changed the step roll-over to use the remainder operator rather than subtract. I have now also added a "radial" option for hypnotising the audience ;-)

The second is a clash together of the gradient script and a noise function to create a Plasma effect.

I am also working on the "random single fill" script as I have found that if you have a large panel it can take a wile to initialise ( 50s for 1000 leds). It works well forwards but not so well backwards.
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Massimo Callegari

Hello Oddsocks, sorry for the delay.
Those are excellent scripts ! I was looking forward to create some plasma effect, but never had the time to investigate the algorithm.

Thank you very much for this !
Gonna merge them to GIT soon
Rob Nieuwenhuizen

Hi OddSocks and Massimo,

I've compiled the source from github but the plasma effect doesn't move :(
Maybe there is something wrong with the source, could it be a problem if it's compiled on a i686 computer? Ubuntu, kernel 3.13.0-44, 15x33 RGBled panel.

If you need any logs or other info just let me know.

Kind regards,
Rob Nieuwenhuizen

Hi Rob,

I don't know all the details of how the system works, but the script is just a Java script, and I don't think what system it's on should make a difference.

Can I just ask what settings you have got the effect set too. I normally use a hold time of .1 or less ( though less than .1 gets fun with the display issue).

I am hoping it works as this is the first script that I have done and I have a few ideas of other ones I want to try.

Rob Nieuwenhuizen

Hi Tim,

I have found my problem ;) the speed normally increases when lower. In this case the higher te speed number, the faster.

Oh and you have no idea how cool the plasma effect is on a big led panel :)
For quick video check http://www.housewarrior.nl/media/video/


Thanks Rob,

Glad it's working.

Just trying to come up with a bouncing ball script but I am still polishing it up. The other idea I have is to produce some video game type scripts ;-)

That video looks good, what are the physical dimensions of that panel? I am getting components together to create 6 17x10 panels which will once they are all together measure 1.7m x 1.5m.

Can I ask what you have between QLC+ and the pixels.


P.s. have you tried the gradient script on radial.
Massimo Callegari

Very nice indeed !
The plasma script is a benediction ! :)

Rob, have you thought to "grid" the LEDs with some Polycarbonate panel over them ?

Tim, just for fun I wanted to create a "snake game" script...but that's a lot of coding and my time is going into other (tough) developments right now

Snake is certainly one I was thinking of as well as breakout and possibly pong.
Rob Nieuwenhuizen


The new radial gradient script is cool! keep up the good work!
Some games would be great to have! But how to control them?

I have considered an Polycarbonate overlay, First i'll build an flight case around the panel with the possibility to attach an scheet in front.

The panel is build out of 8mm WS2801 leds (12mm)drilled into sheets of 2mm thick aluminium. There is a spacing of 5cm between the leds. The whole panel measures 0.9m x 2.2m so it can sit in front of my DJ booth. In 2 weeks I hope to show the finished product.

From USB to DMX i have cheap ftdi interfaces drom dx.com
From DMX to spi(ws2801) there are nice cheap interfaces on ebay, search for dmx to spi decoder.



Glad you like them rob. Here's another one you could try, it produces balls that bounce round the panel. do let me know what you think.

The idea I have for the games, is that they play themselves like in a demo mode.

I really need to get on with making my panels ;-)
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Rob Nieuwenhuizen

The balls effect is nice :)

There are some movies on my site. http://www.housewarrior.nl/media/video/
Maybe random color change/fade on impact?

For the games, an simple webpage with player 1/2 and touch control from your phone? I'm not an programmer but there is a website in QLC+. Some interaction is always cool but don't know if it is technical possible. I'll think you have to build your led panel first :)

Hi Rob,

Great to see the scripts running on a proper panel.

Massimo, I have a couple of suggestions for the RGB scripting system,

First and I think most easy is for the start and finish colours to be sent to the function as well as width,height,step and step colour. I believe that previous scripts will just ignore the extra arguments sent to them.

Second, is it possible for the start colour and maybe the end colour to appear as fake RGB fixtures so the the colours can be changed on live?


david garyga


> Second, is it possible for the start colour and maybe the end colour to appear as fake RGB fixtures so the the colours can be changed on live?

Did you try the animation widget on the virtual console ?

Hi David,

I feel really stupid now, hadn't even noticed that addition.

One quick point, the option to apply colour changes immediately, actually waits till the first step.
Massimo Callegari

Hey Rob, I've added your latest video to the community videos.
https://sourceforge.net/p/qlcplus/discu ... /899228e5/

Hope you don't mind :)
Massimo Callegari

Hey Tim, so sorry I didn't catch this before releasing 4.8.4.
It's on GIT now.

Thank you very much ! Your scripts are excellent !
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