QLC+ on Lubuntu 14.04 PowerPC anyone?

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Sascha Büttner


I have an ancient iBook G4 laying around and while Audio Trigger do not work with my main Macbook Pro I came across the idea, using the G4 for Lighting Control.

As QLC+ is available for Ubuntu I decided to give the Lubuntu derivate a try and am still struggling with the not so easy and flawless setup.

But while doing this I wonder if QLC+ will even compile on a PPC architecture, not to mention the USB Device Drivers for my OpenDMX clone.

So is it worth the hassle to get it running or shall I use my time for something else?

Any tipps will be hesitated.
Sascha Büttner

Well, I seem to be unable to compile the Open Lighting Framework for PPC. Is anyone able to compile a deb package for Lubuntu 14.04 PowerPC? Or to help me doing it successfully?

Thanks in advance!
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