Community videos using QLC+

This is a place for sharing with the community the results you achieved with QLC+, as a sort of use case collection.
You can share photos, videos, personal hardware/software projects, interesting HOWTO that might help other users to achieve great results.
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Real Name: George Picos

Hi all. I have just started using QLC+ at work.

It is running on a dell aio touchscreen using an entec usb to dmx adapter running 4 Martin Rush MH5 profiles. They are used for effects and follow spots.

As this is a strip club the the link is probably NSFW.

There are also 6 LED RGBWAUV par cans that I plan on controlling in the next week as well.

I created the MH5 profiles from scratch. Took about 5 hours of typing values...

I have done a bit of a clean up of the visual console buttons since this show was filmed to make it a bit easier to follow the girls around.. (Some of them move pretty fast..). The video for heat 2 will be ready soon..
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Wow George, that video surely catches the eye ! :)
A miracle YouTube accepts contents like that

Is QLC+ providing the audio as well during the performances ?

Thanks for sharing
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Real Name: George Picos

No audio yet but that is the ideal situation. The girls shows are currently run off USB through the mixer but ultimately I would like to set up showfiles in qlc+

The guys who edit the videos are pretty good. You will notice there is no actual rude bits in the video but it is borderline..
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Real Name: George Picos

Sorry about the quality of the picture. Hopefully you can see that I have the buttons for head positioning set up to mirror the stage. This is the first time I have ever done this so this is what made sense to me at the time.
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Last realized by means of QLCplus, AKAI APC40 and APC 20.
List of equipment:
- 8x Martin MAC500
- 7x MArtin MAC600
- 2x Blinder
- 16x ADJ Mega TriPar
- 6x Flash PAR56 RGBW 12x10W
- smoke machine
- strobe

Edit: janosvitok, fixed formatting
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Real Name: George Picos

Heat 2

Was able to track the girls a bit better this time..
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There's also Wonder Woman ! :D

Seriosuly, it would be nice to know which equipment you are using in that club and other techy details (how many universes, the DMX adapter used, etc...)
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Real Name: George Picos

Yes, the superhero theme is quite popular...

Current setup is...

Dell all in one 20 inch touchscreen computer running windows 8.1

Micro DMX USB adapter (cheap eBay version)

4 Martin MH5 profile moving heads (16 channel mode)

6 Showtec RGBAWUV LED PAR cans (8 channel mode)

Single universe.

I haven't played around with multiple universes yet but I have an entec USB adapter spare so I might try that soon. I have a few other FTDI based adapters that I have tried as well and most of the cheap eBay ones work fine when using the mouse or keyboard to trigger the virtual console buttons but there is an annoying delay when using them with the touchscreen..will need to do some investigations to find out why that is happening..

Anyway, the video for the final will be done soon.. Can't tell you who wins as that would ruin the surprise...
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"In Eberbach 3 Tage wach..." (3 days awake - well, a few hours of sleepin' in between are already tolerable...)

On Friday at beer garden, I was condemned to mix a Mallorca party. The DJ & "Almklausi" - no further comments.

4x Futurelight PHW-250 at the inner corners, QLC+ replaced GLP Scan Operator12pt.
More than 5 hours w/o unwanted interruptions, live editing functions w/o stress and mostly playing EFX relative to various positions...

On Sat. & Sunday I complemented Espi's Job with a pair of MH-660 spots, modular concept programming. 8-)
Could already complete the DIY footlights, too. Anyone who knows something brighter than these 5050 RGB LED, 60 pcs/m?

You're welcome to enjoy some fine Ska at Lo-Fi:

QLC+ v4.9.1 is already at a decent state, thanks to all developers, accessaries and especially to Massimo,
Let's get QLC+ v5 to take the cake!
Last edited by pengumaniac on Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Curtis Kay) - I'd like to emerge -avuND world, but there are no news in sync for stable updates
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Real Name: George Qualley IV


I know you're generally looking for unique uses of QLC+ for this section and I think I probably have one for you. If you like it, I'll do a video and post it up. Here's what makes it unique. In addition to controlling the lighting and video in my bar which consists of the following:

• 6 Chauvet Intimidator Spot 150s
• 1 Elation Event Bar
• A handfull of other LED fixtures on the interior
• 4 Chauvet Colorband Pix IP (exteriors)
• Mad Mapper (for video)
• 7 HD TVs
• 3 projectors (2 for a video mapped bar top and 1 mapped to a logo)

and here's the (I believe) unique part...

1 Behringer X-Air 18 Digital Mixer.

I recently implemented the Scripts in QLC+ in conjunction with a small bash script and a little program that sends OSC to the X-Air so that I can control all of the inputs (for DJs) directly through QLC+. It's really quite awesome and something that I've wanted for quite some time. I've not had an opportunity to use the scripts function of QLC+ before this and I have to say, it's really a very excellent feature. One little hack that I employed to reflect the status of the currently selected input, is that I used a dummy fixture with dummy scenes in solo frames (otherwise the buttons don't stay active when clicked).

Hope you like it! I definitely do!
Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 6.47.10 PM.png
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hey George,
thanks for sharing this !

The Behringer X-Air looks like an interesting solution, so yes, if you have the chance, it would be interesting to see a video of the whole system running.
How do you communicate with the mixer from QLC+ ? Via MIDI ?
Is the mixer directly plugged via USB on the computer where QLC+ is running ?
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First, while I'm not generally a big fan of Behringer stuff, this thing was just too cool to pass up (and really was the first unit to do exactly what I wanted). In fact, I have both an X-AIR 18 and an X-AIR 12. So far, they've been nothing but amazing.

With respect to QLC+, my first thought was to go with MIDI but given the amount of stuff I want to do with each button (it's much more than just turning one channel on in some cases) I would have had to use some sort of intermediary MIDI software which would have been fine but due to some of the other integration I did with this unit, it turned out to be easier and more elegant to use a QLC+ script to call a bash script that I wrote which, in turn, calls a little command line app (some guy put in a ton of work building various apps for the X-AIR mixers) to send OSC commands to the X-AIR. The X-AIR is simply on the same network as QLC+ but it's not directly connected to the same computer.

At this point, the only downside of this solution is that I've kind of faked the status of each audio channel. If one were to use the X-AIR application to change a channel, that change would not be reflected in QLC+. At some point, I might get around to seeing if I can fix that, but normally, that's not something that would be an issue so I'm not particularly worried about it.

I'll try to shoot a video of it shortly, but I have to say, the fact that I can do this in QLC+ is really a testament to the power of your software!
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gmint wrote:First, while I'm not generally a big fan of Behringer stuff, this thing was just too cool to pass up (and really was the first unit to do exactly what I wanted). In fact, I have both an X-AIR 18 and an X-AIR 12. So far, they've been nothing but amazing.
I'm not a fan either of Behringer stuff, but on the X-Air it seems they adopted pieces of hardware from who is actually capable of doing audio (MIDAS)
With my band, we were used to make fun of this and say that every Behringer product is a "noise generator" :)
For the record, we had a MIDAS Venice mixer ;)
gmint wrote:[...] it turned out to be easier and more elegant to use a QLC+ script to call a bash script that I wrote which, in turn, calls a little command line app (some guy put in a ton of work building various apps for the X-AIR mixers) to send OSC commands to the X-AIR. The X-AIR is simply on the same network as QLC+ but it's not directly connected to the same computer.
I would say "the most elegant" solution is if QLC+ can directly send/receive OSC commands to/from the mixer !
If you like, we can start a new thread to discuss this, as I already thought it would be interesting to have a sort of configurable "path template" in the OSC plugin.
Right now it's fixed and it is: /#universe/dmx/#channel (this is where it happens)
Having more flexibility on that single line of code would open up a lot of interesting scenarios.
gmint wrote:I'll try to shoot a video of it shortly, but I have to say, the fact that I can do this in QLC+ is really a testament to the power of your software!
So glad QLC+ can cover this kind of usages as well !
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Real Name: George Qualley IV

mcallegari wrote:I'm not a fan either of Behringer stuff, but on the X-Air it seems they adopted pieces of hardware from who is actually capable of doing audio (MIDAS)
With my band, we were used to make fun of this and say that every Behringer product is a "noise generator" :)
For the record, we had a MIDAS Venice mixer ;)
Yeah, I hear that (no pun intended). I'm a big fan of Turbosound speakers (I have several pairs) and I wasn't quite sure what to think when Behringer bought them up as well...
mcallegari wrote: I would say "the most elegant" solution is if QLC+ can directly send/receive OSC commands to/from the mixer !
If you like, we can start a new thread to discuss this, as I already thought it would be interesting to have a sort of configurable "path template" in the OSC plugin.
Right now it's fixed and it is: /#universe/dmx/#channel (this is where it happens)
That would definitely be an awesome thing to have in QLC+! For your reference, the app I'm using came from here:
If you ever end up getting one of these mixers, this is definitely a site to keep on hand. The app this guy built supports some level of two-way communication (or at least some sort of feedback) and a persistent connection to the mixer which is nice. I understand OSC only basically so I guess I'm not quite sure if you can just shoot a command at a device or if there needs to be a whole handshaking process or what. Nevertheless, this made it easy to do what I'm doing.

Ultimately, it would be really great if there were a way to program OSC commands similar to how DMX values are programmed from QLC+. That's not very clear so I'll give an example: Right now I can't fade a channel up or down, I just have to have it snap to a certain value (I could probably figure out a way to do this if I really, really wanted to--and had the time, but it's not worth it). It would be great if I could just make a couple of OSC "scenes" and fade between them! That's probably a pretty far out there idea, but I just thought I'd mention it!
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Here is an old thread from Rick Brock about a Disney show with music, show file and youtube video of the result (sans actors).
I'm sure it's worth mentioning here so it doesn't get forgotten.
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Real Name: George Qualley IV


I finally got around to doing a little video of the X-Air and QLC+:
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gmint wrote:Massimo, I finally got around to doing a little video of the X-Air and QLC+:
Thanks George !
I decided to open a new thread to continue this discussion. I had an idea, but I need your help to understand if it actually works.
Thanks !
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Hi, I just came across these two short videos I made using my smartphone while a friend and I were testing our light equipment we use when we DJ on small parties using QLC+.

I hope I'll remember to take some video shots when there's more action in the light and music the next time. ;-)

QLC+ Light test 1
QLC+ Light test 2
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Here's another video which is a compilation of some scenes we recorded with a webcam while we just did a "bedroom" (actually living room ;-)) LJ and DJ performance to test QLC+: Watch on YouTube.
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Hi, I recently used QLC+ to program 3 shows for the prom night of my school. I shot the show from the control room which was behind the stage, so the point of view is not perfect, but you can see globally how it looked like. :oops:

Equipment : 4 x ROGUE R2 Spot and 12 x MARTIN RUSH Par 2 RGBW+Zoom (+ Unique 2.1 for the fog).

I think it's a good example of what you can do with QLC+. It took me one week to program the 3 shows, and I did'nt program any before.
NB : I only based my show on the music, as I could'nt see the cheerleaders dance before. And when the stage is black on the video, in fact you could see a bit during the show, but my camera wasn't sensitive enough. :(

Thanks for any comment ! :D
PS : I attach the workspaces, feel free to reuse it if you want.
Show (Centrale).qxw
(266.8 KiB) Downloaded 702 times
Show (Polytech).qxw
(292.67 KiB) Downloaded 622 times
Show (Mines) 2.qxw
(269.34 KiB) Downloaded 647 times
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